When it comes to Thanksgiving, pet owners have a lot for which to be thankful. Our four-legged companions keep us in shape, warm our laps, and protect our homes. Their love is unconditional and they would never do something intentionally to harm us. Therefore, it’s crucial that we protect them this holiday season from well-meaning family members visiting our homes. Our uncles, aunts, cousins, children, and grandchildren might think they’re doing our dogs and cats a favor when they lavish them with cookie after cookie. However, make sure to educate them at the door about the Thanksgiving items that should be nowhere near our pets this holiday weekend.
Our personal dogs would eat anything that comes from our hands and the kitchen table, whether it be fruit, lettuce or Styrofoam. Granted, we are particular about what goes in our doggies’ stomachs, as canine obesity is becoming epidemic. However, certain vegetables such as onions are downright dangerous even though they are present in many of our dinner preparations.
Onions contain sulfides, which can diminish the red blood cells in canines and result in anemia. This can further lead to other organ damage and great injury to our pets. Being that onions are a common part of our cuisine, it’s important to pause and think about what is exactly leaving your hand to be gobbled up tableside.
Chicken & Turkey Bones
While some animal bones are ok to give to your pets, cooked bones from chickens and turkeys are downright dangerous. These bones can splinter once inside a canine’s digestive track, causing extreme discomfort and fatality in pets.
Macadamia Nuts
According to the ASPCA, macadamia nuts can cause the following symptoms when ingested by dogs: “weakness, depression, vomiting, ataxia, tremor(s), hyperthermia, abdominal pain, lameness, stiffness, recumbency, and pale mucous (discharges).”
Macadamia Nut Toxocosis is a serious issue with dogs and results in both acute and long term damage.
Dark Chocolate
While most of us have been told ad nauseam not to feed chocolate candy to our pets, many of us don’t know exactly why.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain the chemical theobromine. Theobromine is especially toxic to dogs and cats, and when they consume enough chocolate, they will suffer from symptoms such as vomiting, seizures, and heart problems. Dark chocolate contains significantly more theobromine than milk chocolate or refined chocolate candies.
If the family Labrador or Golden Retriever wants to jump up on the counter and consume baker’s chocolate, this can be especially dangerous. Make sure that all chocolate is kept far away from pets when the Thanksgiving preparations are underway.
Nutmeg, Sage, Spices & Raw Ingredients
Many of the things that garnish our meals and make the holidays special are dangerous when they find their way into our pets’ stomachs. Other than the items mentioned in the subtitle, feeding your dog or cat excessive chicken or turkey skin can also lead to serious health issues like pancreatitis. Additionally, raw ingredients like uncooked eggs and shortening can damage our dog and cats’ sensitive digestive systems.
Protect Your Pets from Canine & Feline Obesity
It’s our opinion at Premier Pet Relocation that pets don’t need much else in their diet other than an ultra premium petfood, such as Merrick, Wellness, or Blue Buffalo. Grains, gluten, simple sugars, and excessive carbohydrates are unnecessary and counterproductive for a dog or cat’s nutritional requirements.
When you do offer your pets goodies from the Thanksgiving table this year, make sure that they’re small pieces of turkey and chicken. Keep in mind that experts believe that as many as 1 in 5 dogs currently have allergies to turkey and chicken as well! In those cases, small pieces of ham or pork will suffice.
While our dogs and cats might exhibit many traits that make them seem more human than some of our extended family members, remember that their nutritional needs are one stark contrast between us and our beloved pets.
Please visit the Doggington Post to learn more about acceptable doggy treats this holiday.
All of us at Premier Pet Relocation wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!